How to Build a Winning Channel Team

Channel Data: The Power for Good And it’s Destructive Force

If there’s one clear observation I must make directly, it’s this:

I’ve never seen so many discussions, so many side projects, so many frustrations, so much loyalty, and contempt, in equal measure, then in the battle for using or ignoring data.

Despite us living in a world of Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Data Science, studies show that only around 4% of
channel teams are provided with data that enables them to make trustworthy and impactful decisions.


The other 96% are taking the best guess on data sources and interpretation then drawing battle lines.

Data has become a belief and a powerful one at that.

Now popular theory dictates that to have wrong data is fine, but to have consistently wrong data is better. What a world we’re in!

It’s created a New Channel Order, where Business Intelligence teams parading under various names (Business
Analytics, Global Analytics, Global Intelligence Services, Business Intelligence Services, and so on) have become not only the gatekeeper of data, as was the incumbent role of IT teams historically, but the new data leaders, despite their lack of proximity to those who must consume that data and act on it.

So, power of this kind, this distant rule, reverberates throughout the channel organization. Looked at objectively,
it’s a type of responsibility without accountability – to govern the data and decide on what can and can be analyzed, with no one well-placed to intermediate between teams desperate for good data and distant data rulers.

These overarching teams do not provide clear steps to move from closing siloes to centralizing data, to understanding
operational and sales teams’ requirements, to acting as a proactive business-intelligent support structure, full of team members with clear and dedicated skills within data analysis and individual knowledge spread across the various operations and functions of the business, so that value can be added.

“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.”

It’s a weighty parallel, but Tolkien’s observation on the power of yielding dark forces no matter the aspirations towards goodly uses is succinct; teams who control data in this way usurp misplaced power unwittingly, and it takes a mighty individual to fight for improvements because you’re bound to the same limiting actions.

Let me re-write it for the modern age:

“One IT Team to rule them all, One Global Directive to find them (soon to be obsolete reports), One System to bring them all, and under the cover of data integrity bind them.”

But you can fight and win, and here lies the crux of my message.

It’s harsh, but isn’t business harsh at your level?

I’ve written many times about how to become better empowered by channel data.

Please contact me or read through below, and look out for more articles supporting channel data enablement.

Building Success:

What are the approaches and tools?

If you would like to find out how specific channel tools can support you and your teams better, and learn more detail
around exactly how they help, myself, TPC Global, and our tools and methodologies will continue to exist, enhance and support channel teams across the globe

With complex organizations, requirements become very specific. Not all of what we have templated and built today will be relevant to your team or management, but with every channel client we’ve worked with, our approach is to adapt what we do to meet their specific needs.

Tools and methodologies covered include the following subject range:

➢ Distribution Optimization
➢ QBRs & Strategic Reviews
➢ Reseller Analytics
➢ Channel Marketing & Programs
➢ Competitive Pricing & Analytics
➢ eCommerce Growth
➢ Incorporating Amazon into Your Channel

You will also find that going through this process will stimulate your mind and, quite apart from considering other people’s great ideas, you will start to have great ideas yourself.

If you’d like to chat, you know where to find me.

David Porter, CEO & Founder
TPC Global
Distribution Optimization | Reseller Analytics
PriceMark eCommerce | PriceMark Amazon

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