✓ Who is selling your products on Amazon and at what price?
✓ How strong and focused is your seller portfolio?
✓ Is Amazon really protecting your brands and categories?

PriceMark Amazon helps vendors understand and monitor how their products are sold on Amazon compared to competitor products.

Monitor which sellers are winning the BuyBox or individual products at the ASIN level. This is the price most customers see.

How are competitor products priced compared to yours?

Marketplaces are complex. PriceMark is the

1st Amazon tool dedicated to vendors.

We drive insights to support your indirect channel strategies.

Learn about the most prominent sellers on the platform and make informed decisions when incorporating Amazon into your channel strategy.


We track the daily pricing and seller data for all products in technology categories across multiple Amazon sites.

For an individual ASIN on an Amazon site, we record the price and delivery fee each day for every seller offering the product, including which seller won the BuyBox.

The Pricemark Amazon tool includes an easy-to-use and powerful front end with

product-level and market-level dashboards enabling you to uncover valuable insights and explore data to the lowest level of pricing granularity.

We cover the entire technology market on multiple Amazon sites, providing an overview of the brands and sellers with the biggest presence and how these are trending.

Let PriceMark Amazon transform your eCommerce market share.


Getting started with Amazon Pricemark is simple.

  1. Setup is minimal and we offer straightforward monthly subscription pricing.
  2. After website, product and viewing requirements are confirmed access is provided to the PriceMark Cloud.
  3. No limitation on products, competitors, websites or tool licenses.
  4. Access to TPC Global supportavailable 8/5

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