PriceMark eCommerce

Like all PriceMark tools, PriceMark eCommerce was built with vendor needs central to the solution. E-shops concentrate heavily on pricing, their distributor and vendor relationships, digital infrastructure and customer behavior. While many commentators point at pricing as the primary factor in what they sell, this is a simplified view

Vendors need not just a lot of eCommerce pricing data to best support their strategic goals and partnerships, but it has to be packaged in the right way for them to consume. There are a lot of products out there which customers are purchasing every day. Pricing is dynamic, and to a certain extent, so is availability. eCommerce partners will also make fast decisions to benefit their revenue goals.

We built PriceMark eCommerce to give vendors the key details of their product coverage, pricing, availability and pricing volatility COMPARED to their competitors and captured each and every day.

It is this benchmarking, at a deep category level within PriceMark eCommerce, that sets it apart from other market data companies.

With this level of analytics, vendors can see where they are competitive or not, where coverage is strong or weak, who is driving or damaging business and which products are affected. All in one place, updated every day.

Problems Addressed:

“We compete with a set of other vendors and have no idea of our pricing vs theirs, through which retailers and where issues exist that could be affecting sales”

“Seeing competitor pricing within product sub-categories is missing elsewhere – we have to select products and compare from there, and know exactly what we’re looking for. This isn’t scalable or proactive.”

“We can’t be alerted quickly to larger price changes or see who is responsible for it.”

“The data we buy is old and doesn’t help us with decision-making. We can’t run a transactional business on 4 month old data!”

“There’s no tool to tell me what our product coverage looks like within the eCommerce RTM from country to country or reseller to reseller – this just isn’t a feature offered by anyone.”

“We can’t deep-dive issues and look at the reasons behind performance issues, we can only see the high level.”